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HomeYouTubeYouTube's Studio Editor Full Tutorial | YT 360

YouTube’s Studio Editor Full Tutorial [2021 Update] | YT 360

YouTube Studio Built-In Video Editor

The YouTube video editor has now undergone a new evolution. YouTube has given you many new features in the YouTube video editor, such as selecting copyright music, trimming unwanted areas, blurring faces, and blurring certain areas that need to be covered.

YouTube Studio Built-In Video Editor
Youtube Studio Built in Editor

You may need this page in the future so don’t forget to save this page by clicking on this ‘symbol ☆’ in the top corner of the search box.

On this page, you can see an explanation of how to use this YouTube studio editor. Let’s explain.

What can you do with this Youtube studio editor?

  • Trim a Video.
  • Add Copyright Free Music.
  • Add Blur Face or other objects in a video to anonymize them.
  • Add End Card Elements.

YouTube Studio Built-In Video Editor
Youtube Studio Editor Elements

How to Find Youtube Studio Editor?

YouTube Studio Built-In Video Editor
YouTube Studio URL

First, you need to open the Google Chrome browser. Then you can type and search the Youtube studio link in the image above or click on this youtube studio link.

Now that you have a youtube studio open, decide which video you want to edit. Click on the pencil icon in that video.

YouTube Studio Built-In Video Editor
YouTube Channel Content Page

Then look in the left side menu there is a tab called editor. Clicking on it will open the Youtube studio video editor as shown below.

YouTube Studio Built-In Video Editor
YouTube Channel Video Editor Page

YouTube Studio Built-In Video Editor
YouTube Studio Editor full view

Basic Controls in the YouTube Video Editor:

The most important 6 control options are given in this YouTube video editor. With that control option, the user can edit the video in a friendly way. Let’s take a look at the 6 control options listed in the YouTube video editor.

YouTube Studio Built-In Video Editor
YouTube Editor elements

Video timeline: 

You can watch your video with the video timeline control option. The video is given as a part and the audio as a part. With it, you can take care of these editing and off changes.

Zoom tool: 

With this zoom function, you can make changes like zooming in on your timeline and bringing it under the same watch.

Video speed control: 

With this, you can increase the speed of your video to sizes like 1.5X, 2X, 2.5X and watch your video.

Skip & Forward & Backward:

With these options, you can skip the video, go ahead and watch the video, and go back.

Keyboard shortcut: 

With this option, you can do high-speed editing on the computer. You can know some shortcuts and edit your video fast with it.

Undo & Redo: 

With these options, you can use it if you want to change something you have edited incorrectly or go back to where you were before.

Discard Changes: 

With this option, you can change all the last done information. The video can be changed as it was before. If you use the undo option you can go back to the previous area one step at a time. Clicking on these discard changes will return you to the state you were in before editing the video.

Now first let’s see how to edit from trimming youtube studio editor.

Trim a Video:

We sometimes notice after uploading the video that there are some unnecessary parts in it. Let’s see how to trim and replace that unwanted part of the video without deleting the video in such a situation.

YouTube Studio Built-In Video Editor
Youtube Studio Editor Timeline

How to trim the front or back of the video:

1. Click on the trim button built into the image above.

2. You will then see your timeline turn blue.

3. You can then move your grey marker to remove the front or back of the video that you do not need.

4. You can use the zoom tool above to select the correct location.

5. After you have removed the unwanted part, you can click on the preview button below to check what you have edited.

How to trim the centre(Split) of the video:

What you saw before is about how to trim the front and back of the video. Now let’s see how to trim in the middle.

1. First select what area you do not need.

2. You can use the zoom tool above to select the correct location, or if you know the exact time you can reach that location by specifying that time in the above timeline area.

3. Then, select the split option at the bottom. Now you can see that the grey line changes to blue.

4. You can drag that color line and select the area you do not need. This will allow you to trim the unwanted part of your video.

5. At the end, you can watch the video by clicking on the preview option.

How to Save a Video in YouTube Studio Editor:

You must first make any changes to this YouTube studio editor and save it. The next tool can be used only after saving that video after using one tool.

So let’s see how to save the edited video.

YouTube Studio Built-In Video Editor
YouTube Editor Save Page

1. Click on the Save option at the top of the video.

2. Then a box like this will open, in which if you edit the video it will affect the previous video. A confirmation asks if you really want to edit this video.

3. If you agree to it, click the save button below.

4. Your video may take a few hours to save. After a few hours, you will get the edited video you need.

How to edit and save a saved video in youtube studio editor and bring back the original video?

YouTube Studio Built-In Video Editor
YouTube Editor Revert To Original Page

If you have incorrectly edited a job and saved it, the other YouTube studio editor has given you an option to make your video as before.

1. Click on the 3 dot icon next to the save button above.

2. Click on the Revert to original option in the dropdown menu that opens.

3. In the box that appears, your video will appear as before, asking you to confirm that the video you edited will not be retrieved.

4. If you agree, click on the Revert to Original option.

How to Add Copyright Music in Youtube Video Using Youtube Studio Editor:

YouTube Studio Built-In Video Editor
Youtube Studio Editor Add Music Page

The YouTube studio editor now has a feature that gives background music to the video you upload. With this, you can give background music even after uploading the video on YouTube to the video you forgot to give background music.

1. First look at the video below your timeline. There will be a ‘+’ icon on the audio symbol page. If you click on it you will see the YouTube Audio Library open above.

2. There is a play button on all the music pages you can see and you can click and watch that music play.

3. If you move the cursor next to the music you will see a button called ‘ADD’ appear. Clicking on it will add that music below the video in your timeline.

4. You can increase or decrease the music in the timeline as much as you need. You can do that by dragging the music with the cursor where it ends.

5. Again if you want to add another music you can do that too. Move the cursor to the location of the audio library and you will see the ‘ADD’  button reappear. If you click on it you will see new music below the music link you originally added.

6. By dragging that music you can put the desired music where you want it.

7. As well as the YouTube studio editor has given a special option to reduce the music volume. Look at the end of the music in the timeline you added will be simple. Clicking on it will produce an option to reduce the sound. You can make it possible by clicking on it.

8. If you do not need the music you have added. Above you will now have the option to remove the ADD button where you previously clicked on it and you can remove it. Or there is a button at the end of the music you have added to the timeline.

Learn how to add or remove music with a YouTube video editor and how to use it. Watch the video below for more information.

How to Blur Faces and Objects in YouTube Videos:

YouTube Studio Built-In Video Editor
Face blur & Custom Blur Page on YouTube Editor

The YouTube studio editor has a blur option that is widely used for YouTubers. Now you can blur the forgotten parts to hide even after uploading on YouTube. You can see clearly that in this paragraph.
has given 2 blur options in YouTube studio editor. They are
1. Face blur
2. Custom Blur

Face blur:

1. With this face blur option you can blur the facial areas in the video.

2. You can blur all the faces in the video.

3. Below the music timeline there is an option called Blur in the timeline. Clicking on the + icon in it 2 option will appear in which click on the face blur option.

4. In this you select the track option and your face will move along with the blur wherever it moves in the video. Selecting the fit option will place the blur where you did it.

Custom Blur:

1. Custom blur is used to cover any place you want. You select the custom blur option.

2. A Blur box will appear on the screen. You can move that box to any place you want. With it, you can hide it wherever you want.

3. It can also track if the object you want to hide moves like that. same you can do this as we did face blur.
Save our page for more information about YouTube.

How to Add End Screens in the YouTube Video Editor:

YouTube Studio Built-In Video Editor
Youtube End Screen Elements in Youtube Editor

This editor is not a great choice for your video end screen. It will be easy to change this end screen on the details page where you uploaded the video.

However, in this section, you can see very clearly what information you can do with this end screen option.

The end screen option is just below the blur selected location. Selecting it will show a pop-up at the end of the video when your video is playing on YouTube in which you can give the information as you saw below.



Another channel

An option to subscribe

A link outside of YouTube



  • The end screen can only give a maximum of 20 seconds at the end of the video.
  • There are templates on YouTube to help you create the ultimate screen layout for your videos.
  • Final screens can be imported from previous videos.
  • Final screens are great for recommending content to your audience, so you can get extra views. If you really want your audience, you can design something like the one below – a good layout that will guide you to the audience for some of the videos on your channel.
Watch the video below to get a clearer explanation. As well as subscribe to the ‘ tech girl Tamil ‘ channel for information about our ‘ yt 360 ‘ channel and technology for clear descriptions about youtube.


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