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HomeYouTubeHow to Turn OFF or ON YouTube Video Comments On PC/Laptop

How to Turn OFF or ON YouTube Video Comments On PC/Laptop

How to Turn OFF or ON YouTube Video Comments 

    Do you want to OFF or ON the comments coming to the video on your YouTube Channel? This post is for you. At the end of this post, you will learn how to turn OFF or ON your Youtube channel video comments.

how to enable or disable YouTube comments
Turn OFF YouTube Comments

Comments can be OFF or ON in 2 ways for YouTube.

1. Turn OFF or ON only the comments that come to a private video first,

2. Or turn OFF or ON the comments to the entire video on your channel.

We will see each of these 2 methods on how to turn YouTube video comments OFF or ON.

How to Turn OFF or ON YouTube Video Comments for Single Video:

Open YouTube Studio:

how to enable or disable YouTube comments
YouTube Studio URL

First, open the link and YouTube studio as you can see in the picture above.

how to enable or disable YouTube comments
YouTube Studio

Next in the YouTube studio, open the channel on which the video you want to make comments OFF or ON.

Select Video:

how to enable or disable YouTube comments
YouTube Studio Content Tab

Next, click on the ‘Content or videos’ tab in the left side menu.

how to enable or disable YouTube comments
YouTube Studio Videos Tab

In this, select the video for which you want to make comments OFF or ON.

how to enable or disable YouTube comments
YouTube Video Edit Icon

When you select the ‘pencil icon ✎’ will appear as above. Click on it and open the video.

Open Details:

how to enable or disable YouTube comments
Video Details Page

On the next page, click on the Details tab in the left side menu and open it.

Change Comments Settings:

If you scroll down the page, there will be a tab called Comments & Ratings, and below that there will be an option called Comment Visibility. When you click on it and open it, 4 options will appear as shown in the picture below.

Let’s see each of those 4 options.

how to enable or disable YouTube comments
YouTube Allow Comments Types

Allow All Comments:

By selecting this option all the comments coming to your Youtube video will be turned ON. There will be no bar to any comments.

Hold Potentially Inappropriate Comments for Review:

By selecting this option the comments coming to your youtube video will be filled. For example, if it becomes an unwanted link or bad word comments you can build it. 

The bad word comment that comes to you will go along with a section called Held for review. Only when you approve those comments will those comments appear at the bottom of your video.

This option is a great option. This allows you to build only the good comments you need. This is my suggestion on these 4 options.

Hold all Comments For Review:

By selecting this option, all the comments coming to your video will go to the held for the review comments section. After that, you will come to the published comments section after reviewing and approving all those comments.

Disable Comments:

Selecting this option which will be the last one will make all the comments coming to your video app. If you want to turn OFF all comments for your video, you have to select this option.

Save Settings:

how to enable or disable YouTube comments
YouTube Studio Save Button

After selecting the option you want from the 4 options you see above, click on the ‘Save’ option at the top and save the setting you made.

Turn OFF or ON Entire Video Comments on Your Channel:

Open YouTube Studio:

how to enable or disable YouTube comments
YouTube Studio Page

First of all studio as in the picture above. Click on the option and open the YouTube studio. Make sure your channel is open.

Open Settings:

how to enable or disable YouTube comments
YouTube Studio Setting Tab

Click on the ‘settings tab in the left side menu as shown in the lesson above and open.

Select Default Settings:

how to enable or disable YouTube comments
YouTube Setting Page

1. On this page, select the ‘Upload Defaults’ option as shown in the image above.

2. Next select the ‘advanced settings’ option above.

3. Next scroll down and you will have the option of ‘comments’. Click on it.

Change Comment Option:

how to enable or disable YouTube comments
YouTube Comments Types

Now 4 options will appear as shown in the image above. To know about these 4 options go to this postil and find out. Then choose which option you want.

Save Changes:

how to enable or disable YouTube comments
YouTube Studio Settings Save Button

After finishing the last settings, save with the ‘save’ option below.

The comments settings you made above will now be applied to all videos posted on your video channel. This post to know ‘how to enable or disable YouTube comments on mobile‘.

Thank You!!!



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